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CMS attends event organized by ICS and Baltic Exchange

The second series of lectures organized by ICS (Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers) and Baltic Exchange intended to support and develop those working in chartering and operations. The series examined topical issues facing those working in these roles, offering advice on best practice in critical situations and insight into the changing patterns affecting sectors within shipping. Taking place near the end of every other month, the lectures are free to all those working at Baltic companies or are ICS members or company members. Supported by the major broking houses, this initiative is aimed at supporting those developing their careers in shipping and encouraging better advocacy across the future generation of industry leaders. Lecture on economic cycles & shipping gathered shipping thought leaders for an open discussion on freight market cycles, changed trends in cargo flows, as well as what has the impact been from the vessel supply side, as a result of the evolution of the ship owner and the ever changing ROI horizons for their investors. CMS director Zamig Ismayilov attended the sessions.



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